हेPatanjali Yoga Sutra — यं दुःखमनागतम् ॥2.16॥ Heyaṃ duḥkhamanāgatam॥
The approaching or forthcoming pains are avoidable.
Patañjali Maharṣi describes three types of karmas. They are:
- Sañcita Karmas: We have already accumulated (there is already Bank balance built up in the account) and there is no escape but to face (or eat) them when they yield fruits of whatever kind.
- Prārabdha Karmas: The fruits of which have already started yielding. Very difficult to escape as there is no or little time to get over. But definitely the intensity can be reduced if they are very painful.
- Āgāmi Karmas: We get owing to our present actions or thoughts. Patañjali Maharṣi says the fruits of these karmas can be escaped. But how?
Bhagavān gives the solution:
ब्रह्मण्याधाय कर्माणि सङ्गं त्यक्त्वा करोति यः।
लिप्यते न स पापेन पद्मपत्रमिवांभसा॥५.१०॥
brahmaṇyādhāya karmāṇi saṅgaṁ tyaktvā karoti yaḥ.
lipyate na sa pāpena padmapatramivāṁbhasā ॥Gītā 5.10॥
One who surrenders or offers all the karmas to Paramātma by relinquishing the attachment (to the fruits), such a sādhaka is untouched by the sins, like a lotus leaf in water (thus, free from Āgāmi karma).
This is a wonderful philosophy given by Bhagavān. One should practically live to really experience this message given by Bhagavān. Here is a clear difference between jñāna and vijñāna. The knowledge we get through scriptural reading is termed as jñāna. But its application is vijñāna. The knowledge which is never applied in daily life is just hypocrisy. Let there be spirituality in life; and life in spirituality, with an approach of equanimity towards dualities of life like pain and pleasure, etc.