Patanjali Yoga Sutra — tajjaḥ saṃskāro’nyasaṃskārapratibandhī॥1.50॥
तज्जः संस्कारोऽन्यसंस्कारप्रतिबन्धी॥
All the saṃskāras or previous karma’s impressions of citta would be washed away by the saṃskāras gained through this samādhi.
Recollect that, in this samādhi eternal truth dawns in the citta of sādhaka though he is yet not fully without impressions. Like a powerful hurricane comprehensively sweeping away everything on its way but leaving behind its own impressions, all the saṃskāras or previous impressions of citta would be washed away by the saṃskāras gained through this samādhi. That means sādhaka has just swapped one kind of impression with all other kinds of impressions. Citta is still dependent on some seed, i.e., ‘Eternal Truth’. Hence, this kind of samādhi is capable of wiping out all the past impressions but breeds subtle impressions specific to its own nature. That means, even in this kind of samādhi, sādhaka has subtle mental modifications capable of generating subtle impressions of a specific nature, which might hinder his growth to eternity. sādhaka’s journey is not over yet!
Then how can a yogi reach the exalted state? What is ‘That’ by realizing which, the yogi attains the superior most position? Bhagavān gives his opinion by saying as follows:
योगिनामपि सर्वेषां मद्गतेनान्तरात्मना।
श्रद्धावान्भजते यो मां स मे युक्ततमो मतः॥गीता ६.४७॥
yogīnāmapi sarveṣāṃ madgatenāntarātmanā|
śraddhāvān bhajate māṃ sa me yuktatamo mataḥ॥Gītā 6.47॥
Of all the yogis, superior most is the one who adores Me with steadfast faith and abides in Me with utmost conviction. He is said to have attained the Highest.
There is an interesting saying: Good — God = 0. That means, despite doing good, if one has no god, the final result is zero. God should be the nucleus in our life around which all other things revolve.
Keep doing your sādhana incessantly says Lord Kr̥ṣṇa. ‘A man is great by deeds, not by birth’, says cāṇakya, one of the greatest politicians, strategists and writers, India has ever seen. But greatest is the yogi, says Bhagavān, as he can reach the pinnacle purpose of life.