Patanjali Yoga Sutra — Vītarāgaviṣayaṃ cittam॥1.37॥

वीतरागविषयं वा चित्तम् ॥

Saphalya Yoga
2 min readMay 11, 2020

Mastery of the mind is also possible by contemplating on enlightened personalities who have transcended all kinds of obsessions or attachments.

This is the fourth method advocated by Patañjali to tranquilize the mind. Usually, sādhakas contemplate on the forms of their Gurus (who have initiated them spiritual sādhana by way of a spiritual Mantra) or a favorite God or Goddess or some divine personalities like Srīkr̥ṣṇa, Srīrāma, ādiśakti, Bhagavān Buddha, Jesus Christ, etc. Some sādhakas contemplate divine symbols like AUM (ॐ), Swastik, Jyoti, Sun, Moon, Lotus feet of Bhagavān, etc. Patañjali Maharṣi says, even this kind of contemplation helps sādhakas to gain mastery over the mind.

Bhagavān’s advocates fixing of the mind on the divine form of Paramātma in Bhagavad Gītā:

मय्यावेश्य मनो ये मां नित्ययुक्ता उपासाते।

श्रद्धया परयोपेतास्ते मे युक्ततमा मताः॥गीता १२.०२॥

mayyāveśya mano ye māṃ nityayuktā upāsate|

śraddhayā parayopetāste me yuktatamā mataḥGītā 12.2

Meaning: My opinion is: Devotees fixing their mind steadfast on Me, persistent in prayer and contemplation, having unfaltering faith in Me, committed in their worship, are greatest of the yogis.

If everything is pre-written, with prayer it can be re-written. The common idea brought out by Patañjali Maharṣi as well as by Bhagavān Śrīkr̥ṣṇa is that of Bhakti, though the word Bhakti is not expressly spelled out by Patañjali Maharṣi. Out of all the different streams of yoga, Bhaktiyoga is considered to be the easiest method. We are not different from what we think. Such a devoted practice enhances the results of Sādhana and one’s spiritual strength gets empowered. Steadfast contemplation without utmost faith, sincerity, or devotion is next to impossible.

Indra wanted to kill one of the strongest demons by name vṛtrāsura and hence needed strongest of the weapons. Such a weapon (vajrāyudha) was made by using the merudaṇḍa (Backbone) of dadīci maharṣi. He could have got it done from the backbone of one of the physically strongest men of those days. But was done by using dadīci’s, who was in fact, physically weak, which became the most powerful weapon in the hands of Indra, strong enough to slain the demon vṛtrāsura. ādhyātmika śakti or yogaśakti or tapośakti is the most powerful of all, which dadīci had acquired through his yoga, Tapas, and other spiritual practices!

Thus Śrīkr̥ṣṇa declares –“āyudhānāmahaṃ vajram” — “Among the weapons, I am the vajram” ॥Gītā 10.28



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