Patanjali Yoga Sutra — एतेन शब्दाद्यन्तर्धानमुक्तम् ॥3.22॥
etena śabdādyantardhānamuktam॥
On a similar principle, a yogi can stop other tanmātras from being felt by others.
In the previous aphorism, it is explained how a yogi can remain unseen to others. But yogi’s presence could be felt by other aspects also. For example, the presence of a flower could be felt by its fragrance; though not seen, the presence of a hiding tiger can be felt by its sound; even by closing my eyes, the presence of a person can be felt by touching him; by closing the eyes, presence of a particularly delicious dish can be felt by tasting it. That means, just by physical disappearance, a yogi is not said to have become fully invisible (अन्तर्धान). But by saṁyama on tanmātras, a yogi can influence the other senses also and can remain unheard, unsmelt, undetected by taste, and unfelt to others for touch.
Table: इन्द्रियाः corresponding तन्मात्राः corresponding पञ्चभूताः