Patanjali Yoga Sutra — ततोऽणिमादिप्रादुर्भावः कायसम्पत्तद्धर्मानभिघातश्च॥3.46॥

Saphalya Yoga
2 min readOct 21, 2020


tato’ṇimādiprādurbhāvaḥ kāyasampattaddharmānabhighātaśca

Then on, having achieved flawlessness of the physical body yogi is no longer influenced by Pañca bhūtas and achieves aṇimādi aṣṭasiddhis, that is, occult power to become infinitesimal, etc.

In Bhāgavatam, Śrīkr̥ṣṇa very clearly describes on siddhis as follows:

जितेन्द्रियस्य युक्तस्य जितश्वासस्य योगिनः।

मयि धारयतश्चेत उपतिष्ठन्ति सिद्धयः॥ भागवतम् ११.१५.१॥

jitendriyasya yuktasya jitaśvāsasya yoginaḥ|

mayi dhārayataśceta upatṣṭhanti siddhayaḥ Bhāgavatam 11.15.1

When a sādhaka subdues the senses, the prāṇa and the mind, and anchors the citta in Me by steadfast concentration, various powers assemble before him.

सिद्धयोऽष्टादश प्रोक्ता धारणायोगपारगैः।

तासामाष्टौ मत्प्रधाना दशैव गुणहेतवः॥भागवतम् ११.१५.३॥

siddhayo’ṣṭādaśa proktā dhāraṇāyogapāragaiḥ|

tāsāmaṣṭau matpradhānā daśaiva guṇahetavaḥ Bhāgavatam 11.15.3

Sādhakas engaged intensely in dhāraṇayoga claim that eighteen kinds of siddhis are possible. Of these, eight are predominantly in Me and the other ten siddhis are achievable through the manifestation of sattva guṇa in them.

अणिमा महिमा मूर्तेर्लघिमा प्राप्तिरिन्द्रियैः|

प्राकाम्यं श्रुतदृष्टेषु शक्तिप्रेरणमीशिता॥भागवतम् ११.१५.४॥

aṇimā mahimā mūrterlaghimā prāptirindriyaiḥ|

prākāmyaṃ śrutadṛṣṭeṣu śaktipreraṇamīśitāBhāgavatam 11.15.4

Aṇimā, mahimā and laghimā — these three siddhis are pertaining to the body. Prāpti is the siddhi of senses, with which, one gets whatever one wants; whereas prākāmya is that power, with which, the yogi can enjoy anything and everything in this loka and the next. Iśitā is the power, by which, the yogi can manipulate at his will, the Māya and its roles.

गुणेष्वसङ्गो वशिता यत्कामस्तदवस्यति।

एता मे सिद्धयः सौम्य अष्टावौत्पत्तिका मतः॥भागवतम् ११.१५.५॥

guṇeṣvasaṅgo vaśitā yatkāmastadavasyati|

etā me siddhayaḥ saumya aṣṭāvautpattikā matāḥBhāgavatam 11.15.5

Not being influenced, though one is in sense pleasure, is vaśitā. Whatever one likes, reaching its dead end, is kāmāvasāyitā. All these eight siddhis are in me by nature.

अनूर्मिमत्त्वं देहेऽस्मिन् दूरश्रवणदर्शनम्|

मनोजवः कामरूपं परकायप्रवेशनम्॥भागवतम् ११.१५.६॥

anūrmimattvaṃ dehe’smin dūraśravaṇadarśanam|

manojavaḥ kāmarūpaṃ parakāyapraveśanamBhāgavatam 11.15.6

स्वच्छन्दमृत्युर्द्वेवानां सहक्रीडानुदर्शनम्|

यथासङ्कल्पसंसिद्धिराज्ञाप्रतिहतागतिः॥भागवतम् ११.१५.७॥

svacchandamṛtyurdvevānāṃ sahakrīḍānudarśanam|

yathāsaṅkalpasaṃsiddhirājñāpratihatāgatiḥBhāgavatam 11.15.7

Other than these eight siddhis, there are others also, like not experiencing hunger and thirst, lust and anger, ability to see distant objects, to hear distant sounds, physically reaching a distant place along with mind, getting the form and shape as per one’s wish, entering other’s body, leaving the body at will, the power to view the Devatas enjoying with apsaras, getting whatever one wishes, without any kind of opposition, getting the things done from others. All these ten siddhis are achievable through the enhancement of sattva guṇa.

That means, accomplished Yogi transcends the laws of nature. He is no longer bound by the physical laws of the universe! It is the fourth dimension a yogi achieves! Nothing is impossible for an accomplished Yogi. Just to offend and insult, śrī rāghavedra swāmiji of mantrālaya was offered a plate of meat, covered by a cloth by Nawab of Adoni, Siddhi Masood Khan. But swāmīji converts it into a plate of flowers and accepts the plate smilingly from the Nawab!!



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